25 January 2009

Happy New Years!

Aha! This is my 4th blog to date. Blogging is always on my mind but writing it, uploading pics and other blogging related activities always not my cup of tea until now. My last 3 laptops and I were not a great couple and we never had a happy ending. They either broken very badly, got stolen or lost. That should explain why I stopped blogging for that part of time. Now, I'll blog from the office without jeopardizing my new found career. Eheh. Let's see how long can I keep this going on this time.

Since January has not over yet, allow me to take this opportunity to wish Happy New 2009. To all my friends who celeberate Chinese New Year, Gong Hei Fatt Choy!! Hope you guys have a great one. To my muslim friends, Salam Maal Hijrah. May we grow not only older but also wiser.

Oh ya! Was in KB last week. Attached photos were taken in the market that I always go whenever I'm in KB. Please be advised, there is no obscene pic anywhere in this post. :)